
Plain language:
No matter how sophisticated the audience may be, everyone appreciates reading words that are clear and concise. Over the years, I have developed a writing style that has been praised for its creativity and clarity and resonates with a wide range of audiences. These audiences have included parents who smoke, women with breast cancer, youth in transition, policy makers, public health practitioners and scientists who wish to communicate complex research information to the general public.

Knowledge translation:
My long time experience working in the field of tobacco control and chronic disease prevention has taught me the value of knowledge development and exchange. What this means to me is quite simply, spreading the word. Wordsmith can help you ensure the highest quality information, based on a solid foundation of best practices, research knowledge and practical experience is available to the people who need it.

Just the facts:
Over the past ten years, I have learned that a good writer is impartial and objective. As your writer, it is not my job to editorialize, but to understand the messages you want to communicate and craft the words you need to reach your audience.
Wordsmith provides a complete writing, editing and graphics service. No job is too big or too small. Your writing projects will be handled promptly, efficiently and accurately.
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